Counselling > Social service

What means social counseling?
For which questions may I find support?
Social counseling offers support to several problems. The topics range from conflicts within the family, about dealing with disease and disability through the basic financial security. Also, there are special offers for pregnant women, single parents or young families. The services often go beyond mere consultation and also often include assistance with applications and authorities, home visits or assisting in the enforcement of social legislation claims.
Social counseling is often understood as the first point that helps you to find out which specialized counseling centers can offer you targeted assistance as marriage counseling, addiction counseling and so on.
The counselors are usually fully trained social workers. They perform a confidential and possibly even anonymous counseling, regardless of ideology or religion. The advice can often also take place via e-mail or telephone.
How do I get to the counseling center for refugees?
Wie gelange ich zu einer Beratungsstelle für Flüchtlinge?
I need to take social advice.
Ich benötige soziale Beratung.
What are the opening times of the counseling center?
Wie sind die Öffnungszeiten der Beratungsstelle?
When can I get a appointment?
Wann kann ich einen Termin bekommen?
What documents are required?
Was für Unterlagen werden benötigt?
Who should I contact if I need to reschedule?
An wen muss ich mich wenden, wenn ich den Termin verschieben muss?
I have no financial funds to take advice.
Ich habe keine finanziellen Mittel, um Beratung in Anspruch zu nehmen.
I can/can't prove my indigence.
Ich kann meine Bedürftigkeit nachweisen/ nicht nachweisen.
Can I claim a sponsorship?
Kann ich eine Patenschaft in Anspruch nehmen?
What support can I get?
Welche Unterstützung kann ich erhalten?