Daily Life > The German language

Where can I get translations? Where can I learn German?
To qualify for a language course as an asylum seeker, you currently have the following options:
- Visit the volunteer conducted courses of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- If you are under the age of 27, and the education counselling allows to visit a preparatory class, you will learn German there
- Ask for free language and literacy courses in counseling centers
- From the 4th month of your stay and if other conditions such as the presence of German level A1 is fulfilled, you can visit vocational German courses (ESF BAMF).
- With a work permit you are entitled to an integration course
There are translator’s services that offer low cost language support, for example, for appointments with authorities or doctors. For translations of official documents, such as ID cards, contracts, certificates there are special services in Germany. These translate and authenticate official documents. Only those certified documents are accepted by offices and authorities in Germany.
I speak German/ English/ Arabic/ French…
Ich spreche Deutsch/ Englisch/ Arabisch/ Französisch/ …
I don't speak German/ English/ Arabic/ French…
Ich spreche kein Deutsch/ Englisch/ Arabisch/ Französisch/ … .
I speak only a little German.
Ich spreche nur wenig Deutsch.
I can / can't read
Ich kann/ kann nicht Lesen.
I can / can't read that
Ich kann/ kann das nicht Lesen.
I can't write.
Ich kann nicht schreiben.
I need an interpreter.
Ich benötige einen Dolmetscher.
I need help with the translation of my material.
Ich benötige Hilfe bei der Übersetzung meiner Unterlagen.
Can I visit a German class?
Kann ich schon einen Deutschkurs besuchen?
Where can I visit a German class?
Wo kann ich einen Deutschkurs machen?
Where can I find a free language/ literation class?
Wo kann ich kostenlos einen Sprachkurs/ einen Alphabetisierungskurs belegen?
I have / don't have a work permit.
Ich habe eine/ habe keine Arbeitserlaubnis.